NEW – Neurolymphatic reflex points according to Chapman

Neurolymphatic reflex points (Chapman points) allow the treatment of internal structures via the body surface (skin, subcutis, surface fascia).

Via the neurolymphatic reflex points, organic and functional complaints can be influenced and disturbances in organs, fascia and muscles can be resolved.

Treatment via the neurolymphatic zones is a wonderfully effective, painless and side-effect-free complement to all other functional, holistic manual therapies, such as reflexology.

About 100 years ago, the osteopath Francis Chapman discovered these points, but it is only in the recent past that this method has started to become established. It has been shown that the human organism can be positively influenced via the neurolymphatic reflex points, such as complaints and diseases of individual internal organs, muscle systems and regulative functional chains, as well as the entire metabolic system.

Cross-connections can also be recognised more easily; for example, if complaints in the musculoskeletal system are causally connected to the overload of individual internal organs.

Contact us to make an appointment or for further information at: or +41 (0) 79 650 30 02.